I smile. ♡

 I smile , I smile very often
The shivering voice within me asked,
"Do I really smile? "
I smiled back and replied yes I  do. 
Knock knock, the sadness knocked 
I tried to ignore it. 
Knock knock "let me in ",it yelled. 
Still I smiled. 

I did everything to save myself. 
Hid myself, locked every possible entry, stayed inside the room .
Finally saved myself. 
Mission accomplished. 
 I smiled. 

My crooked smile was convincing enough to the world.
With every, everyone's eye candy. 
And I smiled. 

The tsunami inside made me laugh more loud.  
Haha. ..haha.... It was loud clear.
I smiled.  

"Beautiful smile you got" ,he said.
I smiled back.    


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