Noone , trying to please everyone .

I am daughter to my parents , sister to my siblings and cousins . I am colleague to my coworkers and mate to my friends . But who am I actually ? The simplest answer to this question is I am no one. I am no one who is trying to please everyone .   I am no one who is trying to be the best daughter and forgetting rest of the relationships. I am no one who is trying so hard to please my boss. I am no one who is an attention seeker , asking attention from possibly everyone. The question here is why I aren't me . Why not me, who is just me, full of myself doing this to please myself. Why cant I be selfish    (if loving own self is called being selfish) and think about only myself. Have I forgotten my own identity while trying to be something I aren't. Of course I am a daughter,colleague,mate,partner and every possible relation here but is it necessary to be the perfect one? Just by pleasing them ? Its next to impossible . You can never feed your own soul to the fullest, how will you feed others ?

              A son's dream is to give happiness to his mother but why has he forgotten rest of the relationship in the process ? The answer is with the son who is doing so, but why ? Why do we try to please a person so much and end up  entangling our self in such dreadful situation from where its impossible to escape. Why do we forget our self in the process of pleasing others? You at the end is no not only a son , not only a daughter. You gradually become a father , mother , husband, wife and your role changes with time. So never try to please anyone. You can never please anyone. Just spread love , never try to hurt  them, do the things you can do and give them plenty of you so that you will have no regrets in life.
BE YOU, DO YOU ,FOR YOU.  At the end you are your own hero and you are living for yourself. Unless  you are satisfied you will never be accomplished at your any role whether it be of a son or daughter, siblings, partner, mate any !!

                                             BE YOU, FULL OF YOURSELF !!
PS: The day you start loving yourself you ultimately    accomplish your every roles.


  1. PS: Its okay to find happiness in other's happiness!!! 😊😊😊

    1. PS: First of all you should be loving yourself my brother.


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