
Showing posts from December, 2017


Mistake was  when,  When I  first met you Mistake was when,  When I started believing that I was your  calibre. Mistake was when, When I chose you over myself. Mistake was when , When you broke my trust. Mistake was when When I still forgived you . Mistake was when, When I believed you will be true. Mistake was when, When I believed you will be back . Mistake is what,  I have been today.

I smile. ♡

 I smile , I smile very often The shivering voice within me asked, "Do I really smile? " I smiled back and replied yes I  do.  Knock knock, the sadness knocked  I tried to ignore it.  Knock knock "let me in ",it yelled.  Still I smiled.  I did everything to save myself.  Hid myself, locked every possible entry, stayed inside the room . Finally saved myself.  Mission accomplished.   I smiled.  My crooked smile was convincing enough to the world. With every, everyone's eye candy.  And I smiled.  The tsunami inside made me laugh more loud.   Haha. ..haha.... It was loud clear. I smiled.   "Beautiful smile you got" ,he said. I smiled back.    

Noone , trying to please everyone .

I am daughter to my parents , sister to my siblings and cousins . I am colleague to my coworkers and mate to my friends . But who am I actually ? The simplest answer to this question is I am no one. I am no one who is trying to please everyone .   I am no one who is trying to be the best daughter and forgetting rest of the relationships. I am no one who is trying so hard to please my boss. I am no one who is an attention seeker , asking attention from possibly everyone. The question here is why I aren't me . Why not me, who is just me, full of myself doing this to please myself. Why cant I be selfish    (if loving own self is called being selfish) and think about only myself. Have I forgotten my own identity while trying to be something I aren't. Of course I am a daughter,colleague,mate,partner and every possible relation here but is it necessary to be the perfect one? Just by pleasing them ? Its next to impossible . You can never feed your own soul to the fullest, how wi...